Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sing. The Next Thing You Know You'll be Dancing.

"Sing. The next thing you know you'll be dancing."

My mother gave me this suggestion during my first, very long winter in New England, after I had been housebound with two toddlers for too many snow days and I had threatened to bury my head in the nearest 12-foot snow drift to end it all.
I still take that advice when I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Here's my latest, A Middle School Mother's Lament, sung to the tune of "These are a Few of my Favorite Things." 

Sing with me, and feel free to dance.

Boys in clean clothes without food stains or huge rips,  
Waistbands in place that don’t slip down past their hips,
Drawers that are empty of damp, stinky things,
These are a few of my favorite things.

When we’re in public a smile on their faces,
Dentists that nod and say “no need for braces,”
Boys that don’t scream out the window bad things,
These are a few of my favorite things.

When the school calls, 'cause my son falls, broken arm in a cast. I give them assurance that I have insurance, and hand the phone to their Dad.

Sons that take showers without re-peat orders,
Clean and neat closets and kids that aren’t hoarders,
Rap songs that highlight appropriate things,
These are a few of my favorite things.

Math books and textbooks that actually make sense,
Homework that won’t cause our lives to be so tense,
Words on my wall that spell “We Do Hard Things.”
These are a few of my favorite things.

When the school rings, 'cause my son flings, applesauce at a lad. I just close my eyes and dream of wine and pies, and place the blame on their Dad.

You don’t need make-up you already look good
Why are you trying to ruin my childhood?
I think I’ll sell ads tattooed on my head.
These are some things that they actually said.

When my sons balk, at my mom-talk, tell me I’m never right. I simply remember, they’re my kids forever, and thank God with all my might.